
Rare Earth

– This series is about one certain planet. A rare kind of planet you can only dream of. The lands there… They are dressed for a gala. H2O assumes multiple forms. It floats as cotton-like flakes under plain blue sky. It adorns the rocky summits of our highest monuments, shinning white as crystalline blankets. It also…

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Abstract Earth

– This series is about diving deep into the natural world, shifting perspectives and chasing geometrical patterns. Lines, colours, shapes… All kinds of shapes. Abstract features that, when assembled together, become what we know as The Earth. A repetition of patterns desregards scales. You move around your planet and you feel it. You can’t really…

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Minas Dream

– This collection corresponds to a set of visions of my homeland Minas Gerais, from the perspective of a sleeping wanderer. Through a hyper-realistic construction, in which small nuances of colors and lights tend to be strongly highlighted, this collection aims to bring to the observer’s eyes a strange sensation of a mixture between reality…

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Føroyar Shapes

– The land just doesn’t look real. Doesn’t feel real, actually. Everything is too perfectly arranged: colours and, specially, shapes. Once you arrive at the islands, the rocky cliffs and layered volcanic hills become part of your scenery. Monuments surrounded by monuments. All covered by a shinny carpet of fine green grass. An ideal land…

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Monuments to The Unknown

– Most of land was carried away. Part of the land was blown away. And abstract sculptures are what is left. Monuments. Monuments to the unknown reality of a deep past. Remaining testimony of ancient processes we can’t understand, written in languages one can’t read.

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Wild Brazil

– I here present to you visions of a land where biodiversity exploded, occupying almost every single piece of space. A country where life can be felt on its most varied colours, shapes, sounds, scents and flavours. In spite of all that: you don’t see that kind of deep nature that easily anymore. If you…

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– This series is about human architecture rising up from the wild. Nature, on its finest shape, with a human touch that ends up adding balance to the scene. Places where humans live inside dream lands. I am essentially a nature photographer, and the search for pure nature’s beauty has been one of my main…

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